Main Fields of Activities:
Representing the interests of members in governmental organisations, participating in creation of relevant legislative acts, developing international relations, taking care of information exchange, organising co-operation with sister organisations and chambers of commerce and industries in abroad, finding co-operation partners, supporting common activities and providing training.
The Estonian Chemical Industry Association is a competence centre for the chemical companies in the field of chemical safety and environmental protection. We also provide background information of companies in the chemical industry, the facilitate cooperation interests, as well as investment recommendations. With the implementation of REACH in the European chemical industry, our association is the provider of relevant information and guidance material and training and workshops.
Our priorities:
- Chemical safety (REACH, CLP, Biocides; Detergents; Construction chemicals etc)
- Economy and competitiveness
- Health and safety at work
- Environmental protection
- Science, education and career opportunities
- Cosmetics industry
- Chemical transport