TTÜ Energiatehnoloogia instituut

Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn
Professor Andres Siirde
372 51972787

Fields of activity
Education, research and development activities in the field of natural sciences

The Department of Energy Technology was established on 1 January 2017 on the basis of the Department of Thermal Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering. 

The activities of the Department of Energy Technology include chemical engineering, environmental engineering, thermal engineering, thermal power plants, heat economy and thermal energy. The Department of Energy Technology provides services in three accredited testing activities: chemical analyses of fuels, ash, precipitation, measurement of air emissions and thermal measurements.

The research is divided into two main directions: oil shale technologies (fluidised bed boilers in oil shale industry, calculation methodology for determining oil shale and composition of combustion products, environmental safety problems) and small energy (small boilers, wind power, bioenergy, energy economy).