Õppevõrgustik kõigile, keda puudutavad Euroopa kestlikkuse aruandlusstandardid

Euroopa komisjon võttis 31. juulil 2023 vastu Euroopa kestlikkuse aruandluse standardid

Tuletame meelde, et Cefic kutsub oma liikmes-liite ja nende ettevõtteid liituma veebiseminaride sarjaga, mis on osa nende "jätkusuutlikkuse labori" õppevõrgustikust. Nende sessioonide eesmärk on aidata ettevõtetel mõista ja tõlgendada avalikustamisnõuetega seotud Euroopa kestlikkuse aruandlusstandardeid (ESRS), mis on kasutusele võetud ettevõtete kestlikkuse aruandluse direktiivis (CSRD).


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into force at the beginning of 2023 changing the rules of social and environmental information that companies are required to disclose, affecting nearly 50,000 businesses in Europe. Companies subject to the CSRD will have to report based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), a new set of sustainability disclosure requirements. 

The "Learning Network" series of webinars are organised by Cefic's Network of Experts of Sustainable Development Indicators in collaboration with the Sustainable Finance Issue Team. The goal is to bring together companies from the chemical sector to solve common questions and share expertise on the ESRS.


** This series of events is free and open to members of Cefic, National Associations, as well as members of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP), and members of the American Chemistry Council (ACC).  

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